MGF Alfalfa
Alfalfa is a perennial legume that offers exceptional tonnage, persistence, and palatability. Alfalfa should be established in Spring (March 20 - May 10) or Fall (August 15 - September 15) for most of the Midwest. For best results, seed into a firm seed bed at a depth of 1/4 to 1/2".
Seeding Rate: 22-25# per acre for a pure stand or 12-20# in a mixture (common mix species include orchardgrass, fescue, brome, red clover, etc)
Fertility: Optimal pH is 6.7-6.9 for alfalfa. It is important to maintain P&K levels, as well as micro nutrient levels such as Sulfur and Boron.
Autotoxicity: Alfalfa cannot be seeded into alfalfa due to autotoxicity. For fields that have persisted for longer than 12 months, a period of 6-12 months is required before seeding a new stand in order to allow the autotoxicity to dissipate.
Alfalfa FAQs
Why are some of the DRIs 30, but some are 35 or even 40?
The higher the disease rating index, the more Aphanomyces races that the variety was tested against. Some older varieties were brought to market before new races started being scored!
How do I know if autotoxicity will be a challenge and impact my stand?
New seedings into a field that had previously been in alfalfa in the past twelve months are always at risk. The level of risk is determined by several factors. A great article to read and help you determine your risk is found on page eleven of the Iowa State Alfalfa guide!
What is the best alfalfa for sprouting (to consume)?
We do not suggest using any of our seed for sprouting for human consumption! None of our seed is handled in facilities that are meant for food production. There is a chance of cross contamination with treated seed as most bagging lines are not separated. Please look for an alternate supplier for your sprouting needs!
There are so many varieties! Which would be best?
Give us a call at 309-837-1820 and we can help you choose what may work best, or check out our selection guide here for more info!